15/12/2022 - Financial Stability Board (FSB) invites comments on the proposed set of recommendations and consultation questions on the international regulation of crypt-asset activities.
28/12/2022 - The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) seeks comments on proposed competency profiles for Supervisors, Traders, Associate Portfolio Managers (APMs), Portfolio Managers (PMs).
31/12/2022 - Financial Stability Board (FSB) invites comments on the proposed set of recommendations and consultation questions on cyber incident reporting.
06/01/2023 - The UK Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee is accepting comments for its call for evidence on non-fungible tokens (FTS) and the wider blockchain.
10/01/2023 - European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) seek input on potential greenwashing practices in the EU financial sector, including banking, insurance and financial market.
25/01/2023 - The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) requests comments on the Sustainability Disclosure REquirements (SDR) and investment labels consultation paper.